Monday, January 27, 2020


CARL ROGERS PERSON-CENTRED APPROACH Introduction Carl Rogers (1902-1987) a psychologist developed the person-centred approach theory mainly in relation to the therapist and the client and initially named it the client-centred approach. Rogers later referred to this theory as person-centred rather than patient-centred in order not to reduce the individuals autonomy and consequently lend the client to difficulties. The approach therefore is to turn individuals (clients) into subjects of their own therapy. In his theory it was noted that individuals are endowed with the power of self actualization and through their own perception of resources inherent in them, they can provide remedy for change in their difficult situations, provided a facilitating environment exists This view as expressed by Rogers implied that every person has a tendency to grow and attain a certain level of actualization. He observed that in order to allow the client (person) asses his/her own wisdom and self defeating behaviours and also engage in therapeutic move ment with the therapist, there must be a conducive climate. Three conditions were identified for this relationship to thrive favourably: Genuineness (Congruence), Empathy and Unconditional Positive Regard. GENUINENESS (Congruence) In this relationship the therapist is expected to show a real sense of genuine attitude towards the clients feelings and thoughts, be willing and ever present to assist them in whatever situation they may be. He should be transparent and discourage the attitude of being the superior in the situation. This attitude would in turn retain a high sense of confidence in the client towards realization of him/herself in therapy. Any deviation from this attitude renders the process unworkable. UNCONDITIONAL POSITIVE REGARD (Total Acceptance) According to Rogers, the therapist in this situation must show non-judgemental and total acceptance to the clients feelings and his perceptive world as a whole to enhance his process of recovery. This total acceptance of the clients attitude and perception should be devoid of whatsoever differences that might exist between them either culturally or socially. However in doing so the therapist should ensure the safety and security of the client. EMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING In his theory, showing empathy refers to the ability of the therapist to show positive sensitivity to the clients world, his perception towards recovery and also communicate his feelings to the client. This will convey a special meaning to the client of his relationship with the therapist and consequently solidify their mutual relationship towards the expected therapeutic movement. Rogers continue to state that any deviation from these attitudes on the part of the therapist makes it difficult for the process to continue. This empathetic attitude is more exhibited by therapists who are more confident about their own identity and can cope with other persons world without any fear. PERSON-CENTREDNESS AS A CONCEPT Person-centeredness a concept in health care delivery has poor and conflicting definitions over the years and is considered one of the best ways of health care delivery in which patients are valued as individuals (Winfield et al. 1996). It has further been observed by (Slater 2006; Leplege et al 2007), that the concept of person-centredness has been described using different terms like patient-centred, client-centred, person-centred interchangeably which makes it most often unclear which consistent term to use in the description of the concept. Notwithstanding all these difficulties, Kitwood (1997) defined person-centredness as a standing or status that is bestowed upon one human being by others in the context of relationship and social being. It implies recognition, respect and trust. (p.8) Kitwood (1997) further used person-centredness to formulate ideas and ways of working which puts much emphasis on communication and building relationships in care. Brooker (2004), elaborating on person-centred approach found out that the definition of the term has such characteristics as:  · Respecting and valuing the individual as a full member of society  · Providing individualised places of care that are in line with peoples changing needs  · Understanding the perspective of the person and providing a supportive social psychology in order to help people live a life of relative well-being. Dwelling on these definitions of Kitwood and Brooker, it is evident that they are built on the works of Carl Rogers (1950), which developed person-centred approach as a way of facilitating psychological growth (Natiello 2001).In addition a critical look at Kitwoods definitions definitions showed that personhood has been considered very essential. (Dewing 2008) observed that Person-centredness is often associated with gerontological nursing and more particularly issues relating to dementia care and have personhood as a basis of promoting its practice. It is therefore relevant to explore the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of personhood in as much as it recognised in person-centredness (Baker 2001; Ford McCormack 2000; Fares 1997). Baker (2001) declared that personhood is consistent with individuality and has three dimensions; the persons world which relates to understanding the persons needs, self relating to emotional and physical security and others which signify social and material world that considers the need for interventions and a sense of belonging and place. Similarly (Ford McCormack 2000) recognises personhood as the persons ability to rational make decision by virtue of his reflection on available needs, choices wants and desires. On the contrary this ability to make rational decisions might be difficult particularly in persons with dementia (Kitwood 1997), however choices can be offered to the person. Harre (1998, p.6) drawing on the work of Apter (1989),concludes that ; a sense of personal distinctiveness, a sense of personal continuity and a sense of personal autonomy important phenomenon that best described personhood. Elsewhere in literature, transcendence (a state beyond material or usual existence) has been referred to as an essential characteristic for description of personhood (Heron 1992 Kitwood 1990a, 1997).This goes to establish the assertion that personhood can be accessed from three type of literature- theology and spiritual, ethics and social psychology and each of these literature gives different meanings to attributes relating to personhood (Kitwood 1997, p.8). McCormack (2004) compared the definition of person-centredness by Kitwood and his own findings in an extensively reviewed literature and concludes that four concepts should be considered in describing person-centred nursing. These are: Being in Relation, Being in Social Context, Being In Place, Being With Self. Being In Relation Being in relationship emphasizes the point that, for any effective person-centred care to commence, continue and achieve success ,the nurse and the patient should be in a good interpersonal relationship and this relationship requires valuing of self, moral integrity, reflective ability, knowing self and others as derived from reflection on values and their place in the relationship. Being in relationship is also reflected in one of the seven attributes of person-centredness identified by Slaters (2006) concept analysis-evidence of a therapeutic relationship between person and health care provider. He further states that this relationship between the person and care provider must be one of mutuality, mutual trust and non-judgemental which does not take into consideration the balance of power. Being In Social Context This is the interconnectedness of persons with the social world in which individuals create meaning to themselves through being in the world. Being able to understand the social world of the person enables one to clearly identify things that are considered paramount in their lives Slater (2006). Being In Place Andrew (2003) declares that concept of place and its impact on health care delivery is poorly understood in nursing. Andrew further argued that places are not just physical but involve situated human intentions within them.(Andrew, 2003; Luckhurst Ray, 1997; Hussain Raczka, 1997) contends that attention must be paid to place in care relationships for its important role. In order for nurses to be facilitators of person-centredness, care values must be balanced with other organisational values no matter how difficult it might be, to enable the process of the concept to continue smoothly (Woods 2001). A similar idea was expressed by Johns (1995) that nurses cannot freely fulfil their moral obligation to patients without taking cognisance of organisational and professional implications. To buttress this McCormack et al (2002) asserts that whilst it is important for nurses to facilitate person-centredness, other contextual issues such as staff relationships, organisational systems, power differentials and the extent to which the organisation tolerates innovative practices and risk taking should be worth noting. Being with Self Knowing self is very central in person-centred nursing approach. This is important in that, health care providers need to identify their personal values first in order to respect the values of other patients under their care, to avoid trampling over their autonomy and cultural needs paramount to person-centredness (Downs, 1997; Ford McCormack, 2001; McCormack, 2001b; Nolan, 2000).Further, knowing self enables the nurse to make comparisons of current lifestyles and behaviours of the patient with his preferences and values of life in general as a clue to enhance care process (Meyers,1999). PERSON-CENTRED PRACTICE BASED ON AUTHENTIC CONSCIOUSNESS Based on the four concepts- Being In place, Being In relationship, Being with self, Being In social context, McCormack (2003) outlined five conceptual models in consistent with current nursing principles. These are: Authentic consciousness (McCormack 2001a, 2001b, 2003 and 2004), Positive person work (Packer 2003), the senses Framework (Nolan et al 2001), Skilled companionship (Titchen 2000, 2001 p.80) and The Burford Nursing Development unit model (Johns 1994). McCormack developed a conceptual framework for person-centredness practice based on Authentic consciousness. He identified five imperfect duties on which the framework will operationalize.further, McCormack (2003) declared that for person-centredness to operate effectively in practice, factors such as the patients value, the nurses values and the context of care environment. For the purpose of this study, imperfect duties and factors (Patients values, the nurses values, context of care environment) on which person-centred practice operationalize will be explored to highlight their effect on the concept. According to Immanuel Kants morale theory cited in (Sullivan, RJ 1990), imperfect duties are described as wide, broad and limited such that it gives room for discretion but within the rules of the organization within which one works. There is no means of offering an exhaustive and a priori account of how the duties are to be fulfilled. The five imperfect duties discussed earlier are as from (the conceptual framework of McCormack 2003):  · Informed flexibility: this is the facilitation of fdecision making based on information dissemination and the integration of new information into established perspectives and care practices.  · Mutuality: the recognition of the others values as being equally paramount in decision making.  · Transparency: making clear the intentions and motivations for action and the boundaries within which care decisions are set.  · Negotiation: patient participation through a culture of care that values the views of the patient as a legitimate basis for decision making while recognizing that being the final judge of decisions is of secondary importance.  · Sympathetic presence: this is an engagement takes into consideration the uniqueness and value of the individual by appropriately responding to cues that maximize coping resources through the recognition of important agendas in daily life. PATIENTS VALUES In person-centred practice respect for patients values are identified as being central in order to achieve an effective process of the concept (Dewing, J. 2002; William,B. Grant. 1998; McCormack 2001).It is important to develop a clear picture of what patients values about their life and how they make sense of what is happening around them. Helping the individual to have realization in care makes them to tolerate the incongruency of their illness and also helps them to plan for future, to do this, there is the need to build a baseline value history of the patient through biographical accounts and narrative story.(Meyers, D.T. 1989).The complex nature of most health care decisions couple with anxiety, fear of illness, dependency and other aggressive tendencies results in the patients decision making ability being diminished.( Buchanan Brock, 1989) Argued that if patients are left to be in total control of their health care decisions, most often than not their choice of treatment dec ision might not work effectively towards their well being as expected. They further argued that, as much as patients are expected to participate in decision making regarding their health, they should also be protected sometimes from harmful consequences of their own choices. According to Seedhouse, D. (1986) health has different meanings to different people and is also given various degrees of relevance by individuals. It therefore implies that there is no single care intervention that can be considered best for everyone. Whiles are a particular approach is applicable in one situation it may not be same in the other. In view of these, health care decisions need to adopt a negotiated approach between the patient and the practitioner (McCormack, 2001). NURSES VALUES In spite of partnership being a common phenomenon in person-centred practice where nurses are encouraged to be lenient in their presentation to patients, it is unusual for nurses to present their own views as a part of information that patients are given to help their decisions.Gadow (1980) argued that in as much as patients values should be dominant in the decision, nurses values also contribute to enhance the efficiency of the process but in a less explicit manner. Nurses expressing their values in care decisions should not really be a problem if there is partnership, since these will help the patient to have more insight into the nurses position regarding their care. CONTEXT OF PRACTICE ENVIRONMENT Despite more attention on nurses and patient values the care environment also play a significant role in the person-centred process in which there is the tendency to either promote or hinder its smooth running (McCormack et al 2002; Rycroft-Malone et al 2002).In facilitating person-centredness nurses are faced with difficulties of having to cope with the morale obligations to patients as well as organisational and professional implications (Johns, 1999).this situation has been confirmed by recent analysis f context undertaken by McCormack et al (2002). Yarling (1990) expressed a similar view to earlier researchers above that, in modern health care delivery, while nurses are expected to engage in autonomous decision making they are limited in exercising their authority. THE CONCEPT OF PERSON-CENTREDNESS IN REHABILITATION Clare et al. (2006) define rehabilitation as an individualized approach to helping people with cognitive impairments in which those affected, and their families work together with health care professionals to identify personal-relevant goals and strategies for addressing these. This definition clearly shows a connection between rehabilitation and the concept of person-centredness. Leplege et al (2007) argued that the notion of person-centredness have been used interchangeably as patient- centred ,client-centred, individual- centred, person-directed. Reasoning along this argument, implies that the term has a multidimensional use. In order to establish further the description of this terminology, Leplege and his colleagues undertook a conceptual analysis of person-centred concept in the field of rehabilitation and identified few supportive concepts that clearly elaborate on the use of the term. THE PERSONS SPECIFIC HOLISTIC PROPERTIES AND DIFFICULTIES IN EVERYDAY LIFE Person-centredness as a means of addressing the persons specific and holistic properties suggests that in dealing with individuals, their biological and psychosocial needs must be considered as paramount as opposed to classical analytic medical attention on the functionality of specific organs and related medications prescribed for relief of ailment. In their view regarding person-centredness in rehabilitation, the term seeks to address difficulties in everyday life of disabled persons in such a manner as to reflect their needs and social adjustment. Rehabilitation alone without person-centredness seems more technical and ignores other aspects of the patients life. PARTICIPATION AND EMPOWERMENT It is further argued that disabled persons be given more decisional autonomy in order to be aware of what is happening to them, the way they perceive treatment and care offered them and other variations about care available to them. Patients of disability should not be passive about interventions available to them; they should be allowed as key participants. It is however stressed that the concerns of disabled persons are not different from able persons and therefore equal attention is supposed to be given to both. RESPECTING THE PERSON BEHIND THE IMPAIRMENT Respecting the person in spite of his/her impairment or the disease reflects the notion that disabled persons be accorded the dignity and respect they deserve, because disability can be considered as part of normal life and therefore should not be treated with pity and stigmatization. Leplege et al therefore declared person-centredness as anti-reductionism which seeks to hold in high esteem views and rights of disabled persons in decision making regarding their health care. PERCEPTION OF PERSON-CENTRED NURSING ACROSS NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL DIVIDE The concept of person-centred care has long been associated with the nursing profession, and understood in principle as; establishing mutual trust and understanding with individuals, respecting their values and rights as a person, and developing therapeutic relationships with them and others associated with their care. The good aspect of delivering care in the philosophical context of person-centredness cannot be over emphasised, but it has been observed that translating the main concept into daily practice is always met with challenges (McCormack McCance 2006).The reasons for these inefficiencies manifest in different forms and are seldom indicative of the context in which care is delivered, coupled with constant changes that occur particularly within health and other social care sectors. Person-centredness has been in existence with health care delivery for some time now and is consistent with policy direction and reflected in many approaches to delivery of care. The concept manifests itself in policy directions across both national and international health care sectors. In the United Kingdom the concept of person-centredness is embedded in most health care policies such as The Dignity in Care Campaign (DoH, 2006) and The National Service Framework for older people (DoH 2001). Further, recent publications by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) emphasised challenges for nurses and midwives in provision of dignified and sensitive care, in its report on health care. In Northern Ireland, the focus is on promoting person-centred standards- (respect, attitude, privacy and dignity, communication, behaviour) across health and social care sectors. It has been observed that within the health service, the drive to promote effectiveness and efficiency in performance management has not been high. As a result, patients, clients and their families receive less attention in care delivery as indicated in a range of quality and clinical indicators (DHSSPS 2007a; Nolan, 2007). Whilst the term person-centred care is rampant in the UK health and social care literature and policy documents, the underlying principles of person-centred care are similar to that of international movements that is focused on humanizing the health and social care experience. This is evident in the Skaevinge Project carried out in Denmark (Wagner L. 1994). In his action research, focus was on preventative work and also to ensure the rights of residents in care homes as citizens in society. This model again helps in putting to shape the future of residential care and the design of care homes internationally. Wagner infused into his work such principles underpinning person-centred care as autonomy, citizenship, dignity and respect, to enhance efficiency of his model. Health care policies around the world adopt these principles and use them in several policy frameworks related to social and health care sectors. In Australia for instance, person-centred care has been a solid foundation of facility accreditation in The Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency and the New South Wales department of nursing has its focus on enhancing practices and models of care to support person-centredness across all specialities. Developing models that enhance care and promote person-centred principles has become a vital issue in health and social care. A notable instance is the Institute for Health care Improvement (IHI) in the United States of America. Most governments in the West have initiated transformations and innovated frameworks in health and social services through most of the practices of the IHI. Majority of the plans initiated by these governments focused on person-centred care mainly through transformation systems and redesign of clinical services.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Criminal Thinking Patterns Essay

Loyalty can be defined by anyone but there’s only one definition of loyalty. Google’s definition of loyalty is the quality of being loyal to someone or something. The second definition for loyalty is a strong feeling of support or allegiance; fights with in-laws cause divided loyalties. My definition of loyalty relates to the first definition; however, it consists of more than just that. Loyalty means respect and competence pertaining to a certain degree of trust and allegiance to an organization or personal lifestyles one might be involved in. Emotions and stereotypical thoughts have a major role in the play called loyalty. Loyalty and emotions have similarities just because of the fact an individual has to have some form of feeling towards a person or they will never be able to be loyal. What is the meaning of being loyal? Loyalty is defined by the person giving the meaning of its definition. Google definition of loyalty is true to a certain extent, but there is still something missing. The quality of being loyal should exist in everyone. Everyone or a particular breed has the quality of being loyal. Definitions seem to captivate everyone’s minds into believing the term or definition is true just because it has a reliable source. Sources are undoubtedly opinions from scholars; opinions arouse from person’s experience to inform people about such terms. If the term loyalty is true as it is supposed to be it might as well be self-explanatory. Loyalty is a word that consists of trust, faith, allegiance, and love. Without those four terms loyalty doesn’t exists. The quality of being loyal all depends on the people that may think of these terms. Imagine two couples that have undeniable trust for each other with stipulations which are to be loyal forever, one runs off to meet another individual she might have attractions for, the other partner finds out about it so the partner feels like she is not being loyal. The reason for that is because he feels like she is only upposed to be attracted to him, but she feels differently because she feels that she hasn’t cheated on him. These are two couples with two different definitions pertaining to loyalty. Emotions and stereotypical thought has everything to do with loyalty. Emotions give an individual trust and fear which are needed so one can attain the ability to be loyal. Without trust for an individual, people will never be able to give their complete trust and loyalty especially when the individual wants the same respect. Stereotypical thoughts pertaining to the term loyalty will give an individual a lesser understanding of the term loyalty mainly because stereotypical people tend to have their own opinions about everything which isn’t wrong but it justifies the statement. Everyone has their own definition of loyalty. Furthermore, what is the meaning of loyalty which is one of the questions everyone tends to asked themselves? Loyalties are moreover something genuine and sacred people or an organization tends to have. Loyalty consists of trust, love, and respect. Everyone has the ability to be loyal as long as it has true meaning.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Brave New World: Correlation between the Dangers of a World State Society

Written in 1931 by English author Aldous Huxley, Brave New World is a novel still highly revered in today’s literary world. The novel sets itself in London, England, in the year 632 AF (After Ford). The world is a strikingly different place in Huxley’s futuristic World State than it is today – society’s technological advancements have come nowhere near the incredible developments in fertilization and population and control that the World State has. Yet despite this, the novel is still heavily referred to, both in instances within the literary world and outside.Thought written decades ago, Brave New World does not appear outdated in any way. The revelations and realizations of the characters within the novel could very well be the realizations of any 21st century man or woman. The novel Brave New World is still relevant in today’s modern world because its themes of government control, happiness conflicting with reality, and consumerism, are all prese nt in today’s society. Government control is a very large part of the society that Aldous Huxley has created in his novel. In the World State, not many people have the ability to achieve unbiased or preconditioned thought.The book starts at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, where the Director of the Hatchery is giving a number of students a tour around. He is explaining their methods of population control and fertilization, known as the Bokanovskification Process (pg. 6, Huxley). The process in which a Bokanovskified egg will divide into 96 buds that grow into full embryos is the first step in the process of conditioning. The Bokanovskified eggs are conditioned with hormones and chemicals as needed to get them into the state that the Director wants them in.Huxley hints at the objective of this conditioning when a young worker at the Hatchery, Mr. Foster, says, â€Å" â€Å"We decant our babies as socialized human beings, as Alphas or Epsilons, as future s ewage workers or future†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ He was going to say ‘future World Controllers,’ but correcting himself, said ‘future Directors of Hatcheries’ instead† (pg. 13, Huxley). This shows that government figures in the book are responsible for the achievements and successes of all the humans they hatch, because they are the ones who essentially craft their personalities and character traits.When they are conditioning the eggs by rejecting defects and enhancing positive features such as physical perfection, they inherently choose the path in life that the embryo will follow. This is much like the new ability that expecting parents have today to choose certain genetic aspects of their future child’s body. Parents have the ability to choose hair colour, eye colour, skin colour, and with our expanding technology, more child customization seems possible.Another method of government control is sleep conditioning, more formally known as hypnopaedic con ditioning. The sleeping newborns and fertilized embryos all go through a process in which workers at the Hatchery put bits of information through a loudspeaker on repeat while they sleep. This brainwashing of the fertilized eggs is similar to the programming and propaganda that many oppressive governments have tried to use on their people to prevent free thought, such as Hitler’s intense use of propaganda speeches and posters to fuel Anti-Semitic thought.Lastly, the advancements in World State technology have allowed for the drug soma to be created. Its self-induced feelings of happiness and contentment to distract from society’s flaws are in a way very similar to North America’s prescription drug addiction. Anti-depressant pills to distract from life’s hardships are used both within the novel and society today. The controlling government in Brave New World can be seen as a metaphor for modern society and the dangers that technology and too much governmen t create.Happiness and a grasp on reality are two ideals that do not coincide within the novel. John, the son of the Director and his wife Linda, is the Savage within the novel. He is an outcast amongst the members of his father’s society. John was an intelligent boy who was taught to read by his mother at an early age, demonstrated by a passage in the novel that says, â€Å"Soon he could read all the words quite well. Even the longest. But what did they mean? He asked Linda; but even when she could answer it didn’t seem to make it very clear† (pg. 130, Huxley).This is a reflection on the fact that his society is constantly trying to prevent him from learning – when John is taken back to the civilized world, he realizes that in order to be accepted into the World State and finally achieve happiness, he must give up learning and reading about the true nature of the world. He cannot make this sacrifice, which leads to his eventual suicide. This is similar t o free thinkers in the past and present that have gone against the norms of society, who have either stopped rebelling against society and decided to conform, or continue their research for truth at their own expense.Many early scientists were forced to conform to outdated forms of research due to religious or cultural beliefs within their society. Another example of how happiness and reality are incompatible is the use of the drug soma within society. The character of Lenina, a vaccination nurse at the Hatchery, is a heavy soma user. Every occasion that she finds strange or unusual is another opportunity for her friends and colleagues to encourage her use of soma, which makes her feel relaxed and without worry. An example of this is after she felt quite rejected by John after their date:Drying her eyes, Lenina walked across the roof to the lift. On her way down to the twenty seventh floor, she pulled out her soma bottle. One gram would not be enough, but two would make her late for work the next morning†¦She compromised and, into her cupped left palm, she took out three half-gram tablets. (pg. 171, Huxley) Her dependence on mind and mood altering drugs is similar to anti-depressants and their role in modern civilization. When somebody has a different mental process than the norm, they are encouraged to take medication even if their mental state is not harming anyone, thus repressing these thoughts from occurring.Lastly, Brave New World shows another representation of choosing between happiness and reality with society’s promiscuous nature. People are highly discouraged to develop feelings for a single human, and encouraged to take on multiple sexual partners. When Lenina starts to develop feelings for a man, her colleagues are quick to dissuade her from pursuing those feelings any further, all to conform to the harsh reality of the World State’s lack of personal relationships. This is an example of characters being forced to choose truth in stead of happiness.Drug dependence, persecution of creative minds, and oppression of the family are all ways that Brave New World demonstrates that happiness and truth cannot coincide. The theme of consumerism is very important to the understanding of how society works in the World State. Consumerism is a major aspect of their society because it is the driving force that allows the government to control the people of the World State without resorting to tyrannical or violent rule. During hypnopaedic conditioning sessions, the embryos will be taught that â€Å"Ending is better than mending† (pg. 23, Huxley).This is meant to show their society’s encouragement when it comes to buying new things. The quote is in reference to purchasing new clothes, and how it is favored to attempting to fix old clothes. They are taught at a young age that this is the best option, which reflects on the world’s current driven consumer society. All over the globe today, it can be seen that what truly makes a country successful is not its politics, but rather its economy. Commercials, politicians, and public messages of any kind are constantly trying to insert their message into society’s mind – purchasing new items will help society and the economy.Buying things will somehow add to personal happiness. Even fixing broken or lower class products by oneself is discouraged as there exist paid services that allow others to do the fixing instead. A second important point worth nothing in Brave New World is the attitude towards things as simple as children’s toys. When a product breaks (for example, a child’s toy), instead of the same toy being bought once more, increasingly complicated toys are created instead. This is similar to today’s consumerist society where advertisers and consumers are always searching for something â€Å"better†.Though the search for better products may improve technology, it also puts emphasis on unnec essary materialistic items. The last and most important aspect of consumerism is its religious like status. The founder of the World State, a man called Ford, is named in reference to Henry Ford, the famous automobile maker. When talking to one another, members of the World State often make a capital-T with their hands. This is a reference to Ford’s famous T-model car, as well as the Christian symbol of the cross.These gestures heavily imply that Ford, a famous capitalist, is seen as a Christ-like figure, and consumerism has replaces religious belief. The manipulation of World State Citizens into thinking that they must spend money at a constant rate, idea that something â€Å"better† must all exist, and the religious-type undertones of society all show how consumerism is a major aspect of the novel. Brave New World is a novel that directly reflects modern society through its depictions of government, truth’s incompatibility with happiness, and consumerism. Unli ke many dystopian novels that depict futuristic governments s oppressive and dictatorial beings, Brave New World is a story that does not portray the people in command as a repressive, brutish force. Just as in our society today, the community within the World State are each given choices – there are no sections of the government that require people to take soma, yet they do. There are no sections of the government that require people to partake in sexual activities, yet they do. Aldous Huxley’s depiction of the World State is relevant to ours because it is a direct reflection upon what humans today have done to society.People are given an endless amount of choices as to whether or not they want to conform, but as presented through the characters in the novel and people in the 21st century, the society that people live in will inevitably modify those choices. Brave New World is a story that masterfully shows the correlation between the dangers of a World State society and the dangers of the modern world. Works Cited Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. 1931

Thursday, January 2, 2020

4. Against The Existence Of God. Ludwig Feuerbach Is A

4. Against the existence of God Ludwig Feuerbach is a philosopher that believed that God did not actually exist. Instead he was created by the human population to create a somewhat perfect individual that they could strive to be. The textbook â€Å"The Philosopher’s Way† states â€Å"We are divided into two selves: our actual selves-the way we are-and our idealized selves-the way would like to be† (Chaffee 344). Therefore, Feuerbach believes that the â€Å"ideal self† is a reflection of all the characteristics the human population gave to God. Since God is perfect it takes a lot of persistence and determination for an individual to be a fraction of what He is, and it is impossible to be like God. This idea that the human population could never be God†¦show more content†¦The textbook â€Å"The Philosopher’s Way† states that â€Å"the challenge for each of us is to knowingly embrace this religious quest, seeking to disclose the meani ng of our lives by halting to onward unreflective rush of life and instead ‘stepping back to come to the self’† (Chaffee 349). Therefore, religion become imperative because it provided individuals to gain some reason for their existence, but it also allows them to reflect on their lives and who they have become. Since Bibles and God could provide the answers to various question most individuals will take part in a religious quest. This concept is the beliefs of the philosopher Keiji Nishitani. There is a problem of evil because many believe that if God did exist there would not be evil present in the world because of his power and strength. The textbook presented two specific types of evil which include natural evil and moral evil. Natural evil is associated with natural disasters while moral disasters are associated with adversity cause by another individual purposely. These two types of evil negatively impact a number of people everyday, and it causes some of Go d’s supporters to question why God would allow it to happen. John Chaffee states that this causes individuals to believe that â€Å"God does not exist, at least as a personal Creator involved in human affairs. God is not all-powerful and so is unable toShow MoreRelatedThe Adequacy of the Moral Argument for Explaining the Existence of God540 Words   |  3 PagesThe Adequacy of the Moral Argument for Explaining the Existence of God The moral argument like many arguments for the existence of God comes in many different forms. All of these set out to prove God’s existence from the evidence of morality in the world. Morality is about understanding the difference between the right and wrong action in a situation, the moral person has this understanding and then acts appropriately. The moral arguments first problem or flaw is thatRead MoreChapter Guide for Twilight of Atheism1931 Words   |  8 Pagestoday. - Some consider â€Å"modern atheism† as one of the greatest achievements of human intellect. - Immortalization in Greek myths meant â€Å"infinite extension of existence, not the infinite projection of moral qualities† - Classical Greek atheism denied â€Å"traditional religion of the Athenian establishment† - Protestant reformers wrote against church’s corruption and straying from â€Å"authentic models of the New Testament† - Protestantism eventually gained popularity in Western Europe in 1600s -â€Å"HistoricalRead MoreThe Realm Of Human Commodification3132 Words   |  13 Pagesa transitory change that leaves the core of societal mechanism untouched. Revolution, then, is the only means to penetrate human existence and reform it form within. Most of us grow up within the clutches of a system that informs us of its eternal form; the state and the government for us become permanent institutions. We are conditioned to believe that their existence is necessary and everlasting. Karl Marx correctly terms this error as the â€Å"capitalist vulgarity of thought.† It is the deconditioningRead MoreLanguage and the Destiny of Man12402 Words   |  50 PagesÅžtefan Afloroaei / Descartes and the â€Å"metaphysical dualism† Descartes and the â€Å"metaphysical dualism†: Excesses in interpreting a classic* Al.I. Cuza University of Iasi Abstract The article focuses on one of the most serious accusations brought against Descartes and modern philosophy, namely â€Å"the dualism of substance†. The accusers claim that the human body and soul were viewed as completely separate; consequently, their relationship as such and the united being of man become incomprehensible. As